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Welfare at Mary’s (WAM)

Welfare at Mary’s (WAM)

WAM is here to do whatever they can to help anyone who may be struggling at university. Our Senior Welfare Officer, Amy, sits on the executive committee, and the three assistant WAM Officers, Sophie, Charlie & Will, sit on the ex-officio committee. Each Officer runs a weekly drop-in session where anyone can go and have a chat over some tea and chocolates. There are also free welfare supplies, such as condoms and pregnancy tests available.

WAM also runs ‘Burst Out of the Bubble’ events for the whole college, designed to give everyone a chance to escape the so-called Durham ‘Bubble’ and have some fun in the surrounding area.

WAM Team


Senior Welfare Officer : Amy Harris, 4th Year, History

Hello lovely people! I’m Amy, a fourth year History student and I will be your Senior Welfare Officer this year.

Mary’s prides itself on looking out and caring for its students, hence, Welfare at Marys (WAM) is central to our college community. I would encourage you all to get involved and engage with WAM throughout the year, I have no doubt you will all be wonderful assets to our general committee!

In my role as assistant welfare officer you are likely to be seeing a lot of me around college and on the freshers page this year. I am available for a chat about anything and everything (welfare related or otherwise), please do not hesitate to come to one of my weekly drop-ins which I will host throughout the year! The WAM team also hosts a variety of campaigns throughout the year; previous years campaigns have included Mental Health, Body Positivity and Relationships. Campaigns are a really good way to get involved with WAM- you can contribute as little or as much as you like, some of my most memorable college experiences have been made during campaigns! I am SUPER excited for this upcoming academic year and cannot wait to get started in my role as your Assistant Welfare Officer.

I will be around in freshers week along with the rest of the WAM exec, so please do come and have a chat! In the meantime, if you have any questions, queries or concerns (big or small), drop me an email at [email protected].

Stay safe and see you all soon xxx


Assistant Female WAM Officer: Sophie Tice, 2nd Year, History

Hi everyone! I’m Sophie, a History student going into my second year and so excited to be your female WAM Officer for the next year. As Female WAM Officer, I’ll be there if you want to chat about literally anything, big or small, through my weekly drop-ins, as well as organizing a week-long, themed ‘campaign’ during the year.

Even if you’ve now got your University, course and college sorted, it’s natural to be filled with nerves and uncertainty at the prospect of leaving home, meeting new people and entering a new form of Academia. But, the Mary’s welfare team (WAM) is here to help! As you’ll hopefully feel when you arrive, WAM is such a special part of Mary’s life. We encourage joy and community through fun events while, crucially, also being there for support when people are feeling down. And, the best bit is that you can get involved as part of the WAM general committee! From helping with self-care events to mental health marches to informative social media campaigns, being part of the WAM general committee is a brilliant way to have fun, connect with others and share your knowledge of some incredibly important topics. There is no qualification criteria or application process; we’d just love to have you!

If you’d like to make my day and have literally anything to discuss or just want to say hi, please feel free to DM me on Facebook or email [email protected] x


Assistant Male WAM Officer: Aydin Rezazadeh, 2nd Year, Law

Hello there! My name is Aydin, and I’m a second year LLB Law student from Vancouver, Canada. This year I will be serving as part of the Welfare at Mary’s team with Kyle, Sophie and Amy as the JCR’s Assistant Male Welfare Officer!

In my role this year I’ll act as one of the first points of call for college welfare support. I’ll have weekly welfare drop-ins, where anyone can come in and talk about anything (or have some biscuits and tea!). I’ll be a frep during freshers’ week ready to offer welfare support, and I will run one of four two-week welfare campaigns. I’m super excited to meet everyone during freshers’ week and throughout the year!

If you have any questions about anything to do with welfare or just want to say hello, feel free to send me an email at [email protected]!

Assistant Welfare Officer: Charlie Harris


Past Campaigns


Mental Health Campaign 2019 – Led by Sophie Wro blewski (Assistant Female Welfare Officer 2019/2020) & WAM committee

Body and Sexual Positivity Campaign 2019  – Led by Naomi Clarke (Senior Welfare Officer 2019/2020) & WAM committee

Relationship Campaign 2019  – Led by Grace Hayne (Assistant Welfare Officer 2019/2020) & WAM committee


Body and Sexual Positivity Campaign 2018  – Led by Georgia Greenburg (Assistant Female Welfare Officer 2018/2019) & WAM committee

Consent Campaign 2019  – Led by Naomi Clarke (Assistant Welfare Officer 2018/2019) & WAM committee